ASCII is a 7-bit character set and is a subset of almost all ANSI code pages encoded in 8 bits or more. Windows-1252 is a superset of ISO-8859-1 (A.K.A Latin-1) and ISO-8859-1 is the first 256 codepoints of Unicode. ANSI is not a defined character set and can mean any codepages, although it often refers to Windows-1252. You also have a little confusion about ANSI and ASCII. You need to click on Convert to UTF-8 to transform the whole input byte sequence to the selected encoding It's just that you have chosen the wrong tool. That means there's nothing strange in the file. Since 0x93 and 0x94 alone are ill-formed UTF-8 multi-byte sequences, they're left as-is in the editor

menu items are used to tell Notepad++ the real encoding if you have wrong characters being displayed 1. However if you select Encoding > Encode in UTF-8 then the file will be treated as if it's been encoded in UTF-8.

In Windows-1252 those bytes are “smart quotes” (or curved quotes with different opening and closing forms) which you often see when using a rich text editor such as MS Word. If you open the file in ANSI it'll use the current Windows codepage which is often Windows-1252 by default in the US and most Western European countries. However bytes with the high bit set (or ⩾ 0x80) are extended characters in ASCII while in UTF-8 they indicate a multi-byte sequence. The first 128 byte values are just the same as ASCII (and most other sane character sets). UTF-8 is not a charset, just an encoding for Unicode. Select Convert to UTF-8 instead of Encode in UTF-8